A love letter to 2023

Dear 2023,

I think I love you!

You've made me feel safe

And you've held space.

Moments of pure bliss

Weeks of euphoria

And days of the all-too-familiar feeling of

what the fuck am I doing with my life.

You were there for all of it.

And that's love, isn't it?

Safe and consistent

Yet fleeting.

Love comes, and it goes

just like you.

You came, made me feel alive again

And now you’re leaving.

And just like my other love affairs

You'll go into a box.

Which will be stuffed with our memories together.

And I'll open it sometimes

Reminisce about our good times when I feel down.

But, I'm moving on.

Cause just like the other ones

You've helped me become who I am

But you're just not the one.




Exploring my voice